Sunday, June 14, 2009

Some felt, a post and a deadline

I was talking about prevarication in my other blog, Mostly Up, in relation to the fact that I've spent the day doing anything other than the things I should be doing i.e. reading financial reports, doing the accounts and preparing cash-flow forecasts. Well, just reading that little list can you blame me? I can proudly say, though, that by this hour (10pm) I have at least read all the financial reports, made copious notes, prepared myself for tomorrow's Board meeting at school, iced the cakes I made earlier, put aside a box full for the aforesaid Board meeting (if I have to sit in a room for over 4 hours debating school policy I need a good mug of coffee and some cake), had some 'family time' and put our darling daughter with her horrible, horrible cold to bed. So now I'm entitled to take photos of rusty metal poles and the finished slippers.

Slippers with rosettes, plus an almost-finished pencil case

I've included the photos of the post to remind myself that in the back of my mind I actually do have various ideas ticking over for printmaking. My dearest husband was forced to intervene in my felt fetish the other day, gently asking if I have any 'art' going on in my head..? It clearly isn't evident in all the fun I'm having with fibres!

Luckily for me the answer was 'yes', in a long-winded sort of fashion. I did feel rather knocked back by the CPM show (and golly I'd better remember tomorrow to organise a courier to pick up my entry because I'm damned sure it hasn't sold and the show ends on Saturday) when I got home... It's been good and healthy to have a few weeks to reflect on things but he's right, I actually do need to get on with some work. Although I've scrubbed out a couple of shows I was thinking of entering I do want to put a new artists' book into the Southern Cross Acquisitive Artists' Book Awards this year and the deadline is creeping quietly towards me.

The post is a bit of a decoy because it has nothing to do with any printmaking that will end up as part of an artists' book for the SCU show, but it was a reminder to me this afternoon of how much I enjoy texture and how I tend to see things in the real world in a fairly abstract way.

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